Support Our Work
There are many ways to support the endeavors of our arts collective! Look below to get a comprehensive list of our ongoing fundraisers! Make a donation a below via Paypal.
-We accept All donations! Feel free to click on the Paypal link above or mail us at P.O. Box 635 St. Louis, Mo. 63188. We thank you in advance!
-Corporate Sponsorships. We would love for your business to sponsor us! We will include you in marketing and add your business to our site!
-EScrips are a great way to support Yeyo Arts Colelctive with minimal effort! Pick up an EScrips card from Gya or Schnucks and register to donate with us! Need assistance registering? Just ask a collective member and we will walk you through it at our gallery! Not only will your purchases at Schnucks be helpful, so will dining out. Check out the list of local restaraunts that the escrips program partners with, here: http://escrip.rewardsnetwork.com/
-GoodSearch is effortless! Do your online searching with goodsearch and we get 1 cent for each search! Just make sure that you type in yeyo arts collective when prompted: Who do you search for! http://www.goodsearch.com/
-Monthly Dine Outs are fun and are great networking events! Each month we will be having Dine Outs at local diners and the like! Please check our blog for upcoming Dine Outs and come break bread with us! If you are a diner or coffee house that would love to support us, please contact us at yeyoarts@gmail.com ATTN: Dine Out
-Visit our Gallery & Shop! Each purchase supports our programs through yeyo arts collective. We have great artists and crafters!
-As a GiveBack Partner with Urban Eats Cafe, the more we eat at Urban Eats, the more we GiveBack to Yeyo Arts!
That's 5% of all Food & Beverage purchases, whether its for a personal dinner, an office Gourmet Brown Bag delivery, a party on site or off site. Just say"I want my purchase to benefit Yeyo Arts" and Voila! - 5%.